Morosche Carrot Soup

CHF 8.00

Morosche Carrot Soup (Morosoup) is just awesome. Morosoup can help with your dog’s intestinal issues. It’s a traditional remedy that can ease the symptoms of diarrhea. Originated in human medicine, Moro’s Soup is a traditional healing soup for diarrhoeal diseases.

It’s a real powerhouse. What makes this soup so effective are so-called oligogalacturonic acids. They aren’t contained in raw carrots and only form during a long cooking process. Another benefit of Morosoup is that it can remedy nutritional deficiencies and act against dehydration. That’s why it’s great to give to your dog during bouts of diarrhea, and also as a preventative supplement when you notice the first signs of diarrhoeal diseases. The soup also acts as a natural antibiotic.

Size: 250g (about 10 pieces of bone-shaped frozen Morosche Carrot Soup).

SKU 12415 Category Tag

Refrigeration is necessary – it’ s a frozen product.

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